Request for Comments. Used to propose a solution. Intended to align teams, and clarify required work to complete for a given project scope.

<aside> 💡 The title of the RFC should be in this format “RFC - [Insert Descriptive Title]”


<aside> 💡 Request for Comments Template. Copy and fill in details below.


Status (Draft/Open/Closed/Obsolete)
Author(s) Author’s name/email
Start Date April 30, 2024
Comment Deadline May 7, 2024
Requirements Link to Product Requirements Document


One paragraph description outlining feature/design.


Business or engineering reason that we are doing this. Who are the main stakeholders? What’s the main reason to build this? Should include high level business/engineering reasons. Ideally links to the Business Requirements Document.


RFC Request for Comments
Draft RFC is in draft when it is still being authored
Open RFC is ready and open for comments and public consumption
Closed RFC is closed for comments and will be implemented or moved into a backlog story
Obsolete RFC is Out of date / no longer relevant

Include a glossary in your RFC that defines key terms, acronyms, abbreviations, to be used in the document.


Detailed Proposal

Impact on Analytics